Thursday, October 08, 2009

A Coincidence In My Life

I'd been working with some dental students this afternoon and as I walked across the campus back to the Hideous Though Useful Multi-Storey Car Park, I started idly humming the Beatles' song In My Life. I've no idea why it came into my head.

Actually I did not, in fact, even know what it was called. I was trying to remember the words but could only remember the occasional couple of lines "for I know I'll never lose affection - - for people and things that went before - - " - - but more than that, no. I remember the introduction, and the tune, and the closing bars - - but actually, it's not a song that I know well, and it's not one of my Beatles favourites, though I do quite like it.

Anyway, as I unlocked my car I got to the last, musical ending - - "Dee dee deedle dee dee, deedle dee dee!" and sang it out loud, like you do in your car when you think nobody can hear you. (Well, I do. If you don't you'll be thinking "She does WHAT?" and I now look like a fool. Oh well, too bad).

So as I triumphantly sang the last note, I pressed the button to switch on the radio.

It played "Dee dee deedle dee dee, deedle dee dee!" and then Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr all started playing and singing the identical song.

It really freaked me out!

If I'd been half way through singing it, and then switched the radio on, and the radio continued playing it, then I would have assumed that I had, unknowingly, heard a snatch of it on someone else's radio somewhere, and that was why I was humming it in the first place.

I didn't even drive off, just sat there in the car until the song had finished. Then afterwards the presenter - Steve Wright, I think it must have been, at that time of day, though I was too confused to pay much attention - - said that it was In My Life by the Beatles.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was a coincidence, I conclude. But of all the songs in all the world - - oh, it was weird.


Anonymous ruth said...

That's another spooky coincidence albeit more convincing than the computer overnight update failure and the telephoning each other one we had. Between the two of us I think we could start a dodgy clairvoyancy act.

6:46 pm  
Blogger Yorkshire Pudding said...

Beware Daphne! They used to dunk witches in the village pond and some would like to see that process reinstated. Any chance of you working out the Lotto numbers before Saturday?

6:48 pm  
Blogger Jennytc said...

If you do work out the Lotto number, please let me know as well. :)

12:19 pm  
Blogger rhymeswithplague said...

How weird! The coincidence, I mean, not you or the Beatles or the song...

12:41 pm  
Blogger Von said...

Serendipty is a wonderful thing but be careful waht you ask for!Nice you like the song better now!?

10:53 am  

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