Thursday, November 13, 2008

Looking Forward to 2012

Sadly, because of the imminent recession, the money has run out for Britain's 2012 Olympic Stadium and Village and so it's having to be done on a budget. Here's the swimming pool and athletes' accommodation.

Make Do and Mend. Wartime Spirit. Makes you proud to be British. And bitter with twisted envy if you're not.

Still, it lives up to all the promise of Britain's Olympic logo. If you haven't yet been enchanted by it, see here. Top left, in case you thought it was just someone trying out their new pink highlighter pen.

(Okay, I actually took this photo on a site that was soon to be built on, very near to the Olympic Port in Barcelona - it was in sharp contrast to the smartness of the port. Note to political activists: the writing of No Obama in this particular part of Barcelona was never actually going to have much influence on the American election. And a good thing too.)


Blogger rhymeswithplague said...

I was wondering what was wrong with me. Now I know that I am bitter with twisted envy at not being British.

That 2012 Olympic logo has me scratching my head. It (the logo, not my head) looks like an aerial map of the very compact Olympic venues.

4:11 am  
Blogger Kim said...

not too be funny, but shouldn't they have been doing it 'on a budget' anyway, we have hospitals with no money and children in THIS country living in poverty cos of government 'mistakes' and they were pouring money into it, and shouldn't they have made sure they had enough money BEFORE building???

sorry somethings touch a nerve


10:53 am  
Blogger Yorkshire Pudding said...

What a bizarre photo! Well spotted madam!

8:15 pm  

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