Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tek it, Luv

My lovely son-in-law Gareth was delivering a new server to a furniture shop. He's not a delivery man: he works in the support department of a computer company and this was part of his job.

After the server was installed, Gareth started looking at some of the furniture that they sold, including some rather expensive office chairs - one was £700. He found one that he liked but again, it was very pricey at £150.

"I do like this one," said Gareth to the manager.

"Tek it, luv," said the manager.

In case you don't speak Yorkshire, I must inform you that the universal endearment round here for anyone, male or female, is "love" pronounced "luv". "Tek" is the local pronunciation of "take".

"Er - - sorry?" said Gareth, who is from Gloucestershire. He now speaks fluent Yorkshire but - understandably - couldn't comprehend what the man actually meant.

"Tek it, luv," repeated the manager. "It's end of t'range." ("t'" is the abbreviation of the word "the" in these parts. In some parts of the county the word "the" has gone completely and so we get people like the nurse I know who says things like "It's time to get patient in bath." - - Really, I think everyone should learn Yorkshire - it's God's Own Language in God's Own County.)

"Er - - sorry?" repeated Gareth, still not quite understanding the actual meaning of what was being said to him.

"Tek it, luv," repeated the man. "It's end of t'range. Thi can 'ave it."

Yes, in Yorkshire dialect we retain the old English "thee" and "thou" and what we have here is the modern abbreviation of "thou canst" to "thi can". Very educational, this blog, have you noticed?

Finally Gareth realised that what was happening was that the manager was giving it to him: free, gratis and for nowt (as they say round here).

By 'eck, there's grand folks here in Yorkshire.


Blogger Silverback said...

Ok what's wrong with this picture ? A Yorkshireman GIVING something away for free. Come on, he must've been a Southerner, surely ? Otherwise he's an insult to the breed.

Having said that, can I have the address !

I wonder if a translation widget would include Tyke - English ?

8:23 pm  
Blogger Jennytc said...

I'm as surprised as Silverback!!

8:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful that the generosity of spirit in Yorkshire is also sometimes demonstrated by real generosity. I hope Gareth gets much pleasure from his expensive office chair acquired for free.

9:00 pm  
Blogger Yorkshire Pudding said...

Ay there are grand folk in Yorksheer and Ah'm one 'o 'em luv!

11:28 pm  
Blogger Diz said...

Well, the guy possibly came from across the border in Lancashire - like Gareth did, originally, of course.

10:35 pm  

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