Monday, February 16, 2009

The Penis Mightier Than the Sword

At one of my places of work I spotted a pen upon a little ledge.

I gave it no further thought except that it must belong to someone who would retrieve it shortly.

When it was still there, a week later, in a room that's used every day, I became rather intrigued.

I was sitting across the other side of the room. There was a group of men sitting near the pen. I watched throughout the afternoon as several of them picked it up, looked at it and put it down again.

Very odd, I thought. It was just a cheap pen, the kind that's given away at corporate functions. But pens are always useful so I thought hey, if none of those men wants it, and it's still there at the end of the day, I'm having it.

I returned to the room to collect my coat at the end of the day and the pen was still there.
Okay, I thought, it's mine!

So I went over and picked it up.

And then I found out why none of the men had wanted to keep it for future use.

Here it is.

Just in case your eyesight's none too good, let's zoom in on the logo, shall we?

It's a brave man who'd carry that in his pocket.


Blogger Yorkshire Pudding said...

What's so odd about that? A lot of building and construction companies require advice regarding planning permission and stress factors in metal frame structures.

8:41 pm  
Blogger Grumpy Old Ken said...

Is there a phone number?

9:02 pm  
Blogger Silverback said...

Oh my - you forgot the space between 'Pen' and 'is' and made a naughty title. Tee hee.

9:33 pm  
Blogger Diz said...

Try spending your 20s being married to someone whose job title is Erection Engineer.

11:01 pm  
Blogger Debby said...

Little things mean a lot...or so a man told me.

2:40 am  

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