Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hurrah for t'Interclacker!

I'm always amazed that I still meet people, people who aren't in their dotage and have all their own teeth and everything and seem to have a lively mind, who say things like "Oh I never bother with the internet. It just doesn't appeal to me."

When I started writing this blog in 2006 I didn't know what it would be like. All I knew was that that I'd always enjoyed writing, and that I wanted to write more, and that I felt that I would enjoy writing short pieces, and that there were some stories that I wanted to tell about things that had happened to me, and that I wanted to see if I could be funny sometimes, too.

I didn't know quite how much I would enjoy writing it. And, most certainly, I never expected that I would start reading other people's blogs and enjoying them so much. One of these was written by Silverback.

Nearly two years ago Silverback left a comment on my blog about Desmond Dekker and The Israelites. Perhaps I'd left a comment on his before that - - or perhaps his was the first comment - - I can't remember, and it doesn't matter. He was then in Florida and I remember assuming he was American for a while - - and then I worked out that he was British and lives in Leeds for half the year, about two miles from where I live.

And, a year ago today, we met, and we got on as well in real life as we did by blog comment and email. He's become a great friend, and really great friends don't come along that often, and are to be treasured: and I do.

Because of this, Stephen and I are off to Florida in November (yes, yes, we know, they sigh. One day I'll write a post where I don't mention this. Perhaps) to see him and to meet his friends there and to see some of Florida.

Internet? Wonderful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye, I'm with you there!

The interweb, as my older son calls it, is a wonderful doorway to all kinds of new experiences and relationships. You can become virtual friends with hundreds of people, and if you choose, you can meet the good ones in real life.

OH and I have now been to visit people in Nashville, Washington, Delaware, LA, Carmel, Utah, and Toronto - not to mention London and the south coast here in the UK - as a direct result of online friendships. And I've met even more people who've converged on one or more of those places as a result of the internet - for instance, at the Dewey Beach Greyhound Gathering I met about twenty - thirty people who'd only previously been a name to me, and fifteen more at the Depp event in LA. It's incredible.

Not only that, but saying the internet doesn't appeal to you seems a bit like saying London 'doesn't appeal' to you, or that reading 'doesn't appeal', or ... I dunno ... talking 'doesn't appeal'.

It has so many different aspects that I can't see how it's possible to make such a blanket statement! And being the wrong side of fifty, it won't be long before I start losing teeth.

11:53 pm  
Blogger Jennytc said...

It certainly is, Daphne. It's one of the things I would most hate to be without. I even get twitchy if it goes off temporarily.:)However, I am constantly amazed at people who don't use it at all and the number who have never heard of a blog and have no idea what it is.

10:55 am  
Blogger Debby said...

You're coming to America??? Maybe we can get together!

3:05 am  

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