Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hut of the Day

And now, folks - - Hut of the Day!

What is it about dens and huts and sheds and the like that makes them so very pleasant? Small secret places! Mine, as a child, was the hay loft in our garage. (No, I know cars don't run on hay. It used to be a stable.) The hay loft is still there but sadly is not safe to stand in now. But when I was ten, it had a carpet, and seats, and books, and many a picnic lunch.

Anyway, here is what is very possibly Cumbria's Finest Hut. It used to be the ticket office for Furness Abbey in Barrow-in-Furness, which is why it has a certain faded grandeur.

I wanted to pick it up and bring it home, but it wouldn't fit in the car. Not even if we took out all the pebbles from the beach.


Blogger Yorkshire Pudding said...

Stealing pebbles from beaches now? Will your environmental irresponsibility never end? What if everybody who visited a particular beach took away a bunch of pebbles?
Nice hut by the way! Perhaps The Environment Agency will imprison you there!

12:42 am  

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