Monday, September 11, 2006


A few years ago on this day, one of our actors came into the office wearing a very smart suit and red nail varnish.

He was going to a formal dinner that evening, hence the suit. The previous evening he had fallen asleep in front of the television and, as a joke, his American wife had painted his nails bright red.

He took it all in good part and had just borrowed my daughter’s nail varnish remover when my husband rang to tell us to turn the television on.

We watched in shock and horror as the second plane crashed into the tower.

The actor rang his wife to tell her.

At first, she thought it was the sickest of sick jokes – she thought he was making up this unimaginably hideous scenario in revenge for the nail varnish, and he and I could tell that for those few moments, before the sincerity in his voice hit home, she thought she had married the wrong man.


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