Sunday, April 01, 2012

In the Spring Sunshine

The weather has been simply glorious for the past couple of weeks. For several days running my mother has been out gardening wearing only her swimsuit. All the Spring flowers are out early and the trees are beginning to get their leaves.

I've been working a lot, of course, and in fact was working today - it was the actors' agency's monthly meeting - but even so, I've managed plenty of walks in the sunshine.

Today it was cooler and not swimsuit weather, but gorgeous nevertheless. Here's my mother this morning, sitting in her garden (which joins on to our garden) on a bench which a friend of hers painted in seaside stripes, knowing how much she loves the seaside.

She's had a really tough few years, but she's very happy at the moment. She loves the open air and is incredibly active.

Today we were moving a six-foot tall bookcase upstairs. "Would you like a hand?" asked my mother, and meant it.

On the 20th of April she will be eighty-eight.


Blogger Yorkshire Pudding said...

Personally, I think it should be the law that all women should have to wear swimsuits when gardening or shopping during warm weather. Your mum is a trailblazer.

10:56 am  

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