Saturday, February 11, 2012

More Showbiz Glamour

I have seen the video that I filmed last week now - I was told that they are very pleased with it, and I'm delighted that they are! Phewwww! Although I'd seen myself in many training films for medical students, I'd not seen myself in one that had been properly edited, with lights and costume and makeup, so it was a new experience for me.

One of our actors this week was filming some comedy idents for a television programme. In case you haven't come across this term before, an ident is that little drama bit before the main programme starts: "Boggins Ice Cream Sponsors Arctic Adventure" - - that kind of thing.

In this ident our actor was playing a Spanish barman, clad in beachwear and shaking cocktails by an azure-blue pool, surrounded by attractive women in bikinis. He was supposed to be a bit sleazy so was supposed to ogle them rather a lot and this was not something he found difficult.

So - - a hot Mediterranean summer scene, then.

They filmed it by a private open-air pool on a country estate. In North Yorkshire. This week. In temperatures well below freezing, with snow on the ground.

The company filming it had provided open-air heaters and those silver blankets that are wrapped round victims of exposure and really did their best to look after the actors.

At one point it actually started snowing so they put a cover above the bar to stop the snow actually landing on our cheery barman.

All the cast were thoroughly spray-tanned and I expect that when the idents are shown it will all look really summery - I'm looking forward to seeing them.

I saw the actor concerned the next day, looking rather orange from the tan, suffering from a cold and about to play a Roman slave that night - as he does every night of the run - in a non-singing role for Opera North's Guilio Cesare.

It's all glamour.


Blogger rhymeswithplague said...

Freezing one's bippy off and turning orange to boot? Doesn't sound so glamorous to me.

2:26 am  
Blogger Yorkshire Pudding said...

Difficult to be a lustful cocktail shaking Spanish barman when you're in the depths of North Yorkshire and it's snowing! The poor chap needs either an ident oscar or a woollen willy warmer!

5:13 pm  

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