Monday, September 01, 2008

Nearly, but Not Quite

I heard a song a while ago with the chorus,

"I sent a text message to the person the message was about".

Which, when you come to think about it, could lead to any manner of terrible things.

Today I nearly did something that could have been the worst thing I've ever done in this job.

There are only a couple of people whom I have regular dealings with who are difficult to deal with - mostly because they don't pay up on time, and don't seem to think that actors need to be paid.

So I spend inordinate amounts of time chasing payments from these people, and, from time to time, get very stroppy. Patronising Cow From Hell is my best description of my money-chasing persona. It's never failed, but I hate having to do it.

One of the Difficult Ones asked me a question this morning and I didn't know the answer. So I wrote a quick, chatty email to our Finance Person to ask her, saying I didn't know what it was, saying I didn't know what to tell the person concerned and asking her to enlighten me, and signing it my usual signature Dxx.

And, just as I pressed SEND, I realised I'd pressed Reply rather than Forward, and hence sent it to the very person who had sent it to me.

As fast as a very fast thing having a complete nightmare, I clicked on Sent Items to see what I'd said. And, apart from being a bit too casual, it wasn't too bad, because I am careful what I write in emails anyway.

But instantly I was shaking. What if I'd put ANYTHING of all the things I think about this person? Noooooooooooooooooo.

It haunted me for the rest of the day.

The only time I've ever done this for real was when a theatre company sent us a casting breakdown. (If you're new to this blog, I work for an actors' agency: a casting breakdown is a list and description of the characters that a theatre company, or television casting director, is looking for for a particular play, and I would then suggest actors who could then play these roles.)

I had known of the company for a long time and knew only bad things of them. I tried to forward the breakdown to our actors with a little note.

"Anyone want to work for this lot? Probably a lousy play, and they won't know what they're doing so it'll be all-day, take-your-shoes-and-socks-off auditions, and lots of messing around, followed by terrible living conditions and getting paid a pittance that arrives several weeks late."

And then, you've guessed it, I pressed REPLY and sent it back to the theatre company instead of out to the actors.

That caused me a few moments' worry followed by quite a lot of amusement.

This morning's would have been far, far worse. Phew.


Blogger Silverback said...

Hey you wanna read that Commie womans blog today. What an idiot. I'm sure she's a blonde.

And you ought to hear what they say about her at the agency ! Would make your toes curl. She honestly thinks offering cups of tea and jaffa cakes makes everything ok.

Anyway need to go now and type something sycophantic on her blog now as she thinks I like it.

9:05 pm  
Blogger Silverback said...

Ahhhh, Daffers ?

Guess what ? You'll never believe it. Someone just broke into my house and used my laptop. Yeah. What are the odds ?

Just letting you know in case, y'now, anything weird happens, or well, anything.

(oh bollocks)

9:10 pm  
Blogger colin said...

As I type this 2 people in Australia are emailing each other back and forth, and having a great conversation.

What they do not realise is they have CC to my mailing list address, and the "private" conversation is being sent to all 160 members of the e-mail list.

I do not have the heart to tell them what they are doing.

E-mail mistakes can be fun.

12:41 am  
Blogger Debby said...

Oh Daph! I have so been there. Mine wasn't so innocent though. As...well...I'm a bitch really.

Jaffa cakes make everything OK in my book. Jammie Dodgers, however, make things positively euphoric!

Ohhhh Colin that would indeed be fun!

2:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to read the quoted section of the chorus of that song at least three times before I understood it.

I often do temp work in an office logged onto the computer as the person who I am covering for and sometimes see emails sent to her which whoever is sending them probably has no idea can be read by someone else. I am too discreet to tell you the details. There are some things that should only be shared in person - not by email, text or answer machine message - you never know who might pick them up.

9:53 pm  
Blogger Mr Farty said...

Haha! Lucky you weren't on an open conference call at the time. Now that would be really embarrassing.

10:08 pm  

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