Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Golden Brown

This is the most beautiful autumn in England in the whole history of the whole world ever.

Oh, go on, argue with me if you want to. But I'm right.

Perhaps it was the torrential rain early in the summer that made the trees grow so many leaves.

There's been nothing like this for years. Last year the leaves just stayed green until November - I have the photographic evidence to prove it - and then all fell off at once in the winds. Of recent years, I haven't been too struck on autumn - it's just been a grey, windy prelude to winter.

But this year, it's been an idyllic, textbook autumn: an autumn of clear blue skies and greens and browns and golds. All my favourite colours, in fact.

It's been especially poignant to me, knowing that the Communist's view from his hospital window doesn't include even one glorious tree of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've deliberately gone out of my way to kick through the fallen leaves on 3 or 4 seperate occasions already this year. I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss out while I'm away on holiday!

I've even been trying to tame the squirrels in the garden with acorns and actually had one picked from my fingers. I had a smile on my face for the whole day after that!

9:55 pm  

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